Entry Fees: ₹300/-
Date: 03rd April, 2024
Reporting Time: 8:00 AM
Competition Time: 9:00 AM
Venue: Modern Law College, Pune
1. On-the-spot registration is permitted.
2. Multiple entries are allowed from the same institution.
3. No late entries are entertained.
4. All the students who are pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate degrees from bonafide colleges and universities shall be qualified to participate in the competition.
5. Languages allowed are English & Marathi.
6. It is compulsory to carry college ID cards, participants are also required to carry a letter sealed and signed by your respective college mentioning the relevant details of participants.
7. Carry a physical copy of registration details with the receipt of payment of registration fees.
8. Judge’s decision will be considered final.
Preliminary Round:
1. Each team will consist of one participant who will be presenting on one of the given topics.
2. Each participant shall be allotted 4+1 minutes time, which shall be strictly followed.
Extra 1 minute for Interrogation (on judge’s discretion)shall be given.
Final Round:
1. The participant will have to talk for and against the same topic (self-debate)
2. Each participant shall be allotted 5+2 minutes time, which shall be strictly followed.
Extra 1 minute for Interrogation (on judge’s discretion)shall be given.
Preliminary Round Topics:
1. Importance of Critical thinking skills.
2. Mental health awareness and well being.
3. The power of Positivity and Resilience.
4. Importance of Volunteering and Community Service.
5. Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace.
Final Round Topic:
1. The Future of Work and Automation.
Winner: ₹1500/- + Trophy + Certificate
Runner-up: ₹1000/- + Trophy + Certificate
Participation Certificate to all the participants shall be given